Wednesday 5 March 2014

Treating Hypertension with Kairali’s Ayurveda.

As one of the leading lifestyle problems of our times, hypertension is a chronic problem that can lead to devastating consequences if not managed correctly. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, puts the heart in a state of stress, which can result in strokes, heart attacks or kidney failure later in life. As a condition intimately associated with stress and lifestyle factors, on-going holistic treatment is the only way of successfully managing hypertension and ensuring longevity.

Why Ayurveda for Hypertension?
The Ayurvedic approach to health is entirely different to the Western focus on disease and cure – Ayurveda steps in to the curative process much earlier. Ayurveda represents a vast body of medical knowledge dedicated to treating the cause of disease, in order that the symptoms will never need to arise. Indeed, it is often said that Ayurvedic medicine detects disease at its first stage of development, while modern medical cures begin at stage six. In treating cumulative lifestyle problems or chronic disease such as hypertension, one should look first to Ayurveda and Yoga therapy to find the tools to permanently manage their condition.

Ayurvedic Cure for Hypertension.

Kairali’s Treatment for Hypertension takes a holistic approach combining detoxification and relaxation to adjust the habits of the body and eradicate the problem at its roots. Each guest is prescribed treatments according to their own individual constitution, and an extensive doctor’s consultation will determine which medicated oils are best for external use. Guests will also undertake a treatment course of internal Ayurvedic remedies, utilising the exceptional benefits of Kairali’s own herbal formulas, such as Cardospa. The basis of treatment is the daily Abhyangam massage, involving large amounts of warm, medicated herbal oil applied in the process of a relaxing four-handed massage. The Abhyangam massage is followed by a steam bath, achieving deep detoxification as well as vessel dilation. Other treatments include Sirodhara and Thakaradhara, classic Ayurvedic relaxation therapies able to create deep change in the body and mind. The ‘Dhara’ class of Ayurvedic therapies involve the rhythmic pouring of oil or buttermilk on the forehead, stimulating the hypothalamus and inducing deep relaxation of the brain and nervous centres of the body.

Yoga Therapy Cure for Hypertension

Guests undertaking our Hypertension treatment program are well advised to supplement their schedule with Yoga Therapy, or private Yoga tuition. Yoga asana approached in a slow and synchronised manner can do wonders for the body, and a qualified Yoga Therapist will be able to teach you asanas with specific application to circulation and aiding vessel dilation. The chief wonder of Yoga Therapy in managing hypertension, however, is pranayama(breathing techniques) which, when correctly taught, will give you the tools to manage your condition and reduce high blood pressure permanently. Methods such as Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing), Chandra Bheda (left nostril breathing), Sheetali and Sheetkari(cooling breaths) act to slow the heart rate and pacify the pitta dosha aggravation at the root of the problem.

For more information on Kairali’s award-winning Ayurveda treatment programs at their registered Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala, India

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Floating Amid the Coconuts by Dave Cauldwell

Dave Cauldwell  from Australia indulged in colorful drama and soothing massages in India’s most southerly state, Kerala.

To a crescendo of cymbals and beating drums, the demon’s facial muscles quiver as he brandishes a sword. Long, silver fingernails protrude from his free hand. His face is painted bright green. As far as classic Indian dance drama goes, it doesn’t get any brighter than kathakali.Actors splash on multicolored make-up and dress in elaborate costumes, such as long, flowing dresses that push out like lampshades and rainbow-colored hats shaped like saucers.I’ve managed to score a front row seat for an evening performance. The stage is small, just big enough for a drummer and cymbal beater, in addition to the two dancers who play the roles of a demon and a princess.
The princess is trying to lure the demon into a trap by seducing him, but the demon sees through her fake advances and chops off her breasts.

Kathakali stories are often about love, and are conveyed using a series of facial expressions and hand movements, or mudras, of which there are 24.


The demon slowly curls and rotates his hands, intermittently raising and lowering certain fingers. This communication is understood by the princess who responds  by moving her eyes from side to side and waggling her cheekbones. The actors remain mute throughout.
 Getting There:Virgin Australia has return flights to Kochi departing from all major Australian cities. Fares start from around $1400.
When to go:November-March/April are the most comfortable months, as far as temperature and humidity are concerned.

Where to stay : Kairali has 27 luxurious villas, each one named after an Indian zodiac symbol, as well as two Maharaja Suites. Trickling bodies of water run next to each room to create a relaxing atmosphere. The village has everything you’ll need on-site including a swimming pool, a snooker room, a library and a really delicious restaurant

Kathakali originated in Kerala, a land of coconuts (the literal meaning of Kerala) and the Western Ghats mountain range, a biodiversity hotspot with more than 1000 endemic species.

Kerala is India’s most southerly state and its commercial hub is the coastal town of Kochi, which has numerous kathakali venues.Performances last an hour; they were originally written to last the entire evening. I was advised to arrive 45 minutes beforehand and in doing so saw the princess (who is actually a man) scrupulously applying his make-up to the consistent flashing of tourists’ cameras.    

About 50km north of Kochi is Alleppey; river cruises depart from this bustling town, meandering through coconut tree-fringed backwaters and into an area known as the rice bowl of Kerala.

Alleppey is houseboat central; there are over 1000 of these luxurious floating pads drifting down the river. Guests are pampered with fine food and slow views.

Kayaking is more my thing, so I went on a guided tour through the backwaters. This experience allows you to immerse yourself more fully in the local culture.

Women rub fish on rocks to remove the scales and men gather coconuts using calliper-like walking aids to climb tree trunks.
Perhaps the most essential Kerala experience is an Ayurveda treatment.

In Palakkad, near the Tamil Nadu border, I found Kairali, a village with manicured gardens nestled under coconut and mango trees.
Kairali has a range of treatment programs that combat stress, diabetes, arthritis and many other maladies.
Strict abstinence from smoking and alcohol is part of the detoxification process.

While staying in the village, I received two massages a day. One involved being rubbed with small, rice-filled linen bags cooked in cow’s milk. The long, sweeping strokes felt like I was being licked by giant tongues. It was heavenly and apparently promotes better blood circulation.
During another form of massage called sirodhara, the main challenge was to stay awake as a continuous stream of oil trickled onto my forehead from an urn suspended above the treatment table.

It was the perfect way to end my Kerala foray and ensure that I floated all the way home.

Friday 24 January 2014

Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurveda is ancient knowledge that indicates the very measure of life, advising on the appropriate and inappropriate, happy and sorrowful conditions of living, and recommending practices auspicious for longevity.
The meaning of ‘Ayur’ is life, and ‘Veda’ means knowledge, so Ayurveda means ‘knowledge of the science of life’. Ayurveda was derived from the most cherished scripture of India; the Vedas. The four Vedas are the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.

Ayurvedic Treatments

 Kairali’s The Ayurvedic Healing Village offers you the best of Ayurvedic treatments and medicinal massages at their wellbeing center and certified Ayurveda hospital in Kerala. A highly motivated and committed team of doctors and therapists ensure the highest levels in the quality of treatment and medicinal preparations. Our special health and beauty care packages are specifically designed to treat modern day maladies like stress, respiratory problems, eye ailments and skin diseases

Diseases Treated at Kairali:

  • Kerala is famous for Ayurveda and has lots of hospitals offering Ayurvedic massages. Kairali Ayurvedic healing village at Palakkad, kerala is one such Ayurvedic center in india.
  • Arthritis , Rheumatic Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
  • Bronchial Diseases
  • Skin Diseases
  • Paraplegia, Hetraplegia
  • Facial Paralysis
  • Infertility
  • Sinusitis & Migraine
  • Hypertension
  • Slip Disk and Spondylitis
  • Obesity
  • Nervous debility and many more


During the century 500-600 B.C., the sages Agasthya, Charaka, Sushrutha, Kashyapa, and others, systematized the references to illness, disease, health practices and medicines from the Vedas into the Samhitas (Compilations).

It is from the Samhitas that doctors have passed down the authentic knowledge of Ayurveda for preventative and curative approaches to health. A totally comprehensive system; Ayurveda is more than just a healing method – it is an entire philosophy of life.


Ayurveda removes the cause of disease and re-establishes balance to our system through herbal remedies and medicinal massage, as well as Yoga, Meditation and approaches to a spiritual lifestyle. According to Ayurveda, we are composed of three bodies – the physical, astral, causal i.e. the body, mind and soul.

The earth existed billions of years before our arrival, which is estimated to be only three and a half million years ago. As our planet ages, we grow in universal wisdom and come to know the beauty of cosmic magnetism among all life forms.


 Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment classified as elimination or purgation therapy. An intensive and purifying curse of treatment, it is offered in its highest quality form at our Ayurvedic spa and hospital in Palakkad, Kerala. Panchakarma consists of five types of treatment to cleanse the body of toxins, restoring it to a state of purity and balance. Time spent in our peaceful jungle villas is just perfect for such a transformative and balancing procedure.